IMPAKT / Creating Landscapes: Playing with non-human forces
From 21 to 29 May 2022, IMPAKT [Centre for Media Culture] and Grounded Collective present Creating Landscapes, a weeklong interactive media art exhibitionat Fort Lunet I, curated by Paul Schmidt. Experience video games and interactive sound and storytelling installations. Take a trip into strange environments. Make direct contact with plants, animals and other non-human entities.
In a barren world, life flourishes again with each of your careful footsteps – then vanishes as you depart.
You embody a mystical river and the animals it nourishes.
A chorus of whispering trees tells you a story of losing yourself and becoming one with everything – but it all ends in a bleak landscape of separation.
Two children in a miniature forest show each other their secret places to play and share their tiny myths.
Follow the noise and music of the raw natural forces unleashed by a disconnected human society.
Creating Landscapes is an invitation to explore new ways to relate with our surroundings; to bridge the gap between we humans and non-human forces. The separation of human and nature is a myth, a convenient story emerging from our desperate desire to control and exploit what we fear. But we are not in control.
The escalating climate crisis is showing us that our surroundings – the landscapes we inhabit – are non-human forces that offer the conditions for our survival. We are embedded in an environment of fellow protagonists in continuous, mutually dependent interaction.
The artworks are nested in the Grounded community at Fort Lunet I, a creative maker space running a multitude of bottom-up projects for the sustainable transition of local society.
With art games and installations by: Cooperativa Matajuegos, Krillbite Studio, Moth Loths, Felix Ruiter, Felipe VDDS, Roel Weerdenburg and drift root collective.
- Saturday 21 May, 13:00h: Opening
Opening Creating Landscapes in the presence of two of the artist collectives and a guided tour by the curator Paul Schmidt. During the opening we will also premiere the sound installation Naklank by Felix Ruiter, Felipe VDDS and Roel Weerdenburg, followed by a Q&A with the artists.
Location: Interactive exhibition at Grounded community Fort Lunet I
Daily open between 13:00 – 19:00h
Guided tour daily at 15.00 and 17.30 except on May 21