
Andy Mac

Our Communist Past (2023)

Our Communist Past (2023)

olie op canvas

L 90 cm x H 110 cm

So it goes (2023)

So it goes (2023)

oilieverf op canvas

L 55 x H 70


Andy McCulloch is an artist based in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Born in Manchester, England. Studied in Leeds, his work is now exclusively in oil paint upon canvas or paper. Varying in size, the paintings he produces are exercises both in directness and contemplation. Subjects ranging from his own working-class culture to the wider popular culture. He has exhibited in the UK and The Netherlands, and his work has resided in the Dutch Parliament and presently in private collections.

Taking influence from the place where popular culture affects him on a cosmic level. The deritus and the sublime, and what can lie in between. Historical, fantastical and the present day. All bear witness on the canvas with the desire of lulling the viewer to unexpected places


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