
Carien Vugts

Beeldhouwkunst, Installaties, Tekenkunst

pencil and colourpencil on paper

B 109 x H 54

2020, geen titel

pencil and colour pencil on paper

B 86 x H 164


pencil and colour pencil on paper

B 52,5 x H 65

2021, geen titel

Invasive paradise, in the morning the building turned itself inside out.

Invasive paradise, in the morning the building turned itself inside out.

paper and coloured pencil

B 74 cm x H 95 cm

2022, Invasive paradise, in the morning the building turned itself inside out.

pencil and colour pencil on paper

B 28 x H 98

2020, geen titel

2022, Invasive paradise, a building enters the scene.

2022, Invasive paradise, a building enters the scene.

paper and coloured pencil

B 62 cm x H 66 cm


Familiar reality is replaced by a dreamlike and motionless, congealed world in Carien Vugts’ assembled drawings. In this new universe nature, architecture, everyday objects, sculptures and an occasional animal change into quizzical symbols, that become animated and in this generate their own powers.
It is unravelling the mystery of our everyday environment. Sometimes you experience seemingly quite ordinary situations in your daily environment, however your imagination draws conclusions on them.

Not-knowing and doubt are the beginning of the imagining of these new possibilities. Intuition and chance predominate. The drawings are not realistic and there are no laws regarding the use of perspective.
Things, events, which never go together in real life show an inner coherence owing to their own logic. Truth or falsehood do not play a part. Perhaps in order to imagine the impossible, an atmosphere of light surrealism. Naturally it is an attempt at trying to manipulate the (bizarre) world. Creating an environment you would long to enter in order to permanently stay there.


  • Papier Biënnale Rijswijk


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