AI Dreams
REAL OR AI? Inspired by my "best work yet"(AI made) I decided to do an actual photoshoot. What's the value "real" work?
REAL OR AI? Inspired by my "best work yet"(AI made) I decided to do an actual photoshoot. What's the value "real" work?
My previous multidisciplinary exhibition "Lost World" - based on my travels through the desolate parts of rural Japan.
I set out to shoot something that looked and felt like marble, but instead we created something more like a godess.
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" - Also an investigation into the emotions behind red.
L 34 x B 24 x H 1,5
CNN Trave wrotel: “The Lost World is more than just a photo bookit’s an homage to the country she loves and respects."
An image of a dark skinned girl drowning in white liquid.
Maki is both immense strength and immense fragility. This work explores that exact duality I think we all have.
If I were to die suddenly, without being run over and being reduced to a pulp, they can have every part of my body except for my eyes. The idea somebody else would wear my eyes is intolerable to me.
My eyes construct my work, create a world inside my brain which I’m trying to show others. The magic of really seeing someone, or something, and taking time for this is something I value greatly. There is so much that tends to go unnoticed, don’t you agree?
Often, my private world finds its way out through large prints and exhibitions that include smell, sounds and extraordinary locations besides my images. The big prints and inclusion of senses seems logical to me - I want the visitor to experience my work instead of just view it. I want to bring you into the world inside my head.