Lange Nieuwstraat 7, 3512 PA
Dagelijks van 10.00 – 18.00 uur
Kunstenaars CareFull
Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons cultiveert en presenteert kunstpraktijken op basis van studielijnen over de commons, voor de commons en als het proces van commoning met gemeenschappen op het gebied van kunst, onderwijs en sociale bewegingen.
CareFull – Abraham Dolehof
Onze gezamenlijke binnentuin – de Abraham Dolehof – is een van de locaties tijdens de openluchtkunstmanifestatie CareFull. Georganiseerd door Art Utrecht in het kader van Utrecht 900 jaar stadsrechten, zullen op deze historische hof werken van kunstenaarsduo P-K-K-P en kunstenares Ienke Kastelein (Very, Very Slow Walk in the Footsteps of Ursula) ervaren kunnen worden.
De Abraham Dolehof is een plek geworteld in de geschiedenis van Utrecht, met een eeuwenoude plataan, moeder van de hof. Het is een stille plek waar ooit het Ursula klooster was gevestigd. In de voormalige school zijn sinds eind jaren 70 kunstenaarsateliers gevestigd, een rafelrand middenin de stad. Vanaf 2014 hebben Casco en Fotodok in hetzelfde gebouw hun intrek genomen. De hof wordt al jaren onderhouden door de bewoners. De walnoot werd 50 jaar geleden door Hans van Lunteren gepland.
Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons cultivates and presents art practices based on lines of research about the commons, for the commons and as the process of commoning with communities in the fields of art, education and social movements.
Our shared courtyard Abraham Dolehof will be one of the locations during the open air art manifestation Care Full. Organized by Art Utrecht in light of Utrecht’s 900 year of city rights, the historical ground will host works by artist duo P-K-K-P (also one of the exhibitors during Travelling Farm Museum 2022 Spring Collection) and our neighbor Ienke Kastelein (who’s work continues on her Very, Very Slow Walk in the Footsteps of Ursula, part of our exhibition New Habits in 2014).
The Abraham Dolehof is a place rooted in the history of Utrecht, with an ancient Platanus tree, the matriarch of the court, presiding. It is a tranquil place that once housed the Ursula Monastery. The former school has housed artists’ studios since the late 1970s, a frayed margin in the middle of the city. From 2014, Casco and Fotodok moved into the same building. The courtyard has been maintained by the residents for many years. The walnut tree was planted 50 years ago by Hans van Lunteren.
Other program during CareFull
Dates: 10th and 11th September
Location 1: Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons
Lange Nieuwstraat 7, Utrecht
Location 2: Moira, Cultual Center
Wolvenstraat 10, Utrecht
Opening times: 12-18
With presentation by Cara Farnan, Kaylie Kist, Sinwah Lai, Gizem Ustumer, Alëna Vinokurova , Amy Webb, Jinxiao Zhou and a workshop by Winston Nanlohy.
With an intimate gathering and snack on Saturday10th, 15:30 at Casco’s garden with Parvaneh Karimi and (k a -are-n), two of MSP members whilst they merge their own project at Casco with this event.
The Mutual Support Platform (MSP) is a space for conversations and actions by/between/for alumni (and students and teachers) of the HKU Master Fine Art, Utrecht. MSP is dedicated to deal with and intervene in conditions collectively, to exchange on how to sustain one’s practice, to unlearn unquestioned ways of doing so, and to support one another.
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MSP Presents is made possible by the COVID-19 compensation payments by the city of Utrecht and HKU, intended for alumni of the classes of 19/20 and 20/21.